Blended Learning

Blended learning is a structured training programme involving content delivery in various mediums including self-paced online learning, instructor led training (ILT), live online learning and social learning.

In a fast moving industry, instructor led technical training can be time consuming, logistically difficult and expensive. Attendees on scheduled courses often have different backgrounds, knowledge levels and objectives making it difficult to create an effective learning experience for all involved. A purely instructor led approach can result in inefficient use of resources, varying user competence levels and sub optimal customer satisfaction.

Benefits of a blended learning solution for technical training:

  • Individuals can access online training from anywhere and work at their own pace.
  • Background knowledge levels can be tracked and managed so all ILT attendees start at an appropriate level.
  • ILT can be focused on the practical use of the product, ensuring maximum hands on time.
  • Advanced subjects are available when individuals are ready using live online training.
  • Social learning can be used to help answer those niggly technical questions and discuss them.

Blended Learning Example

Many technical training courses start with background knowledge and theory or software basics, which can be transitioned to self-paced online learning allowing customers to take the training anywhere, anytime and at their own pace. If set as prerequisites to ILT, all participants start the ILT at a more equivalent level and the practical work can start immediately. Live online training can be conducted on advanced subjects for those with good product knowledge and experience. Finally Social Learning could be made available to all those on the course as a forum with which to ask, discuss and answer questions and continue with learning development.

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